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PRINCIPIA: Master Of Science Mac OS

SHU Theses and Dissertations

Paris Area, France M&A Intern at Credit Suisse / MSc in Finance at EDHEC Investment Banking Education EDHEC Business School 2013 — 2016 Double Degree - Master of Science in Finance & Master in Management EDHEC Business School 2012 — 2013 Bachelor's degree - Economics & Management Ipesup 2010 — 2012 Preparatory course for entrance into top. The AI lab was founded in 1959 by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky and the Laboratory for Computer Science was opened in 1963 as Project MAC. 4/16/2016 SivaramanVelmurugan 164 165. Timeline of AI-Robotics (2004) Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers land on Mars Caltech designs both the Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers. 34, Series of 2011 – Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) CMO No.33, Series of 2011 – Amendment to CMO No. 44 series of 2007 titled “Submission of the Electronic Copy in CD-ROM of the Graduate Programs Theses/ Dissertations to the Commission on Higher Education CMO No. 32, continue reading: 2011 CHED Memorandum Orders.



Principia: Master Of Science Mac Os 11


Date of Award

Spring 2011

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science and Nutrition


Exercise Science

First Advisor

Dr. Jason Miller

Second Advisor

Prof. Eric Scibek


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute effect of a Foam Roller (FR) warm up routine and a dynamic warm-up routine on strength, power, and reactive power using a squat jump (SJ) countermovement jump (CMJ) and depth jump (DJ). Nine college aged recreational males with a minimum of 1-year experience in plyometric training completed the study. Following baseline testing, subjectswere randomly assigned to a warm up protocol on the second session of the study and then completed the otherprotocol on the third day of the study. The best of three jumps were recorded. RMANOVA revealed a significant increase in jump height following the dynamic warm up in the CMJ (p=.018). A post hoc paired t-test revealed significance of (p=.015) between the FR to dynamic warm-up routines following the CMJ. All other jumps yielded decreases in performance, with no significant changes SJ (p=0.135) and DJ (p=0.145). A lack of significant change may be attributed to the removal of the trigger point (TrP) release from the FR due to the subjectivity of each individual’s pain level and amount of trigger points. In conclusion FR warm ups are not recommended prior to physical activity requiring increased neurologic activation as the FR warm up was shown to decrease jump performance as the neurologic demand of the jumps increased. Foam roller routines may be beneficial for the injured athlete prior to activity but should be followed by a dynamic warm up before partaking in activity.

Recommended Citation

Fama, Brian J. and Bueti, David R., 'The Acute Effect Of Self-Myofascial Release On Lower Extremity Plyometric Performance' (2011). SHU Theses and Dissertations. 2.

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Since January 26, 2012

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