What is ChronoSync for Mac ChronoSync is the professional choice for periodic backups, bootable drive clones, and folder and file synchronizations. Target any device or folder visible in Finder such a volume, thumb drive, NAS, disk image, select cloud services, server or (with ChronoAgent) another Mac!
Econ Technologies (www.econtechnologies.com) says ChronoSync and ChronoAgent have been updated for macOS Catalina.
ChronoSync — a sync, backup, and bootable backup app — now recognizes APFS Volume Groups so you can create bootable backups of Catalina. The new version 4.9.5 designed to work on macOS version 10.11 and newer. ChronoSync costs $49.99.
ChronoAgent 1.9.3, an update of the $14.99 companion app to ChronoSync, allows any Mac to accept direct, secure, high performance connections from any ChronoSync Mac or any InterConneX iOS device to access or transfer data. Demos area available of both ChronoSync and ChronoAgent.