
I wanted to find a way to broadcast an iBeacon signal from Mac OS X by customising the iBeacon advertisement’s values. The tools I explored didn’t allow me to modify the values essential for my Broadcast from Mac OS X, So I wrote a small CLI utility that will help me customise the broadcast signal. I later wanted to expand this tool for ALT Beacon & Eddystone Beacon. I’ll follow it up with an article on the usage of other beacon types when I get some spare time.


Installation Instructions

Mac OS & FileMaker Projects for $8 - $15. ERD and mature prototype exists for CRM and staff management system. Need to migrate to a fresh ERD and implement some location based functionality. For guest and shift workers, you can even set a Mac to work off a remote boot from an OS X Server or use the local multiple-accounts capability built into OS X that separates user data from each.

Install Homebrew from the following location. Once you have installed Homebrew, you can complete the jbeacon installation as shown below.

Usage Instructions

Here is the usage instruction assuming you have completed the installation.

Usage set UUID

Usage set UUID & manufacturer

Usage set UUID, manufacturer, major, minor & tx

Source Code

Are you interested in customising this for your own needs. You can find the project repository.


This CLI utility uses or based on the following open source projects

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Charles Moore's Mailbag

Charles Moore - 2004.04.12 -Tip Jar

While Intego's announcement of 'the first OS X Trojan horse' lastweek was more than a bit alarmist, spam remains a plague to Mac usersas well as PC users. There are a couple of cool little sharewareapplications that make coping with spam much less of a hassle andtime-waster, especially if you, like me, are on a dialupconnection.

Mail Beacon

Mail Beacon allowsyou to read, delete, and filter email on the server without downloadingit. Mail Beacon is both a mail checker and online email client.

Mail Beacon checks an unlimited number of POP3, IMAP, and Hotmailaccounts and instantly notifies you of new messages. You can then read,reply, and delete email from the server without downloading a singlemessage. This means less wasted time downloading spam or unwantedattachments.

You simply open Mail Beacon, clean out any spam, and quickly respondto important messages, all before opening your regular email client anddownloading your messages to hard drive. Mail Beacon alerts you whennew messages arrive and/or when messages are deleted.

The first time Mail Beacon is launched, it will gather informationfrom your System settings and display an 'Add Account' window. In thatwindow you'll see two tabs: General and Sending. Note that Mail Beaconallows you to check an unlimited number of accounts, and thatadditional accounts can be added later by pressing the 'Add' button inthe main window.

Setup is pretty much the same procedure you use to configure emailaccounts in any email client.

Next to each account in the main window (titled 'Mail Beacon'),there's a checkbox, which is used to indicate whether or not theaccount should be checked for new mail. To check for new mailimmediately, simply click the 'Check Now' button. Scheduling optionscan be found in the Preferences window.

When Mail Beacon finds new mail, any account containing new messageswill be displayed in bold, and Mail Beacon may present a dialog or playa sound, depending on your Alert options. Alert options can becustomized from the Preferences window.

To view an account, just double-click it in the main window. MailBeacon lets you access the mail on server, deleting spam beforedownloading to your hard drive. New in v2.1, Mail Beacon will attemptto detect spam automatically; messages it thinks are spam will appearin red.

You are presented with a window with two buttons: Read and Trash.You'll also see a list of messages in your account, with new messagesappearing in bold.

The Read button retrieves the selected message for viewing. Notethat this button will be disabled if the message is larger than 50K, asMail Beacon is currently unable to download attachments. Mail Beaconhas some interesting options related to reading messages in thePreferences window.

The Trash button tells Mail Beacon that you want to delete thismessage. When you close the window, you'll be prompted to confirm yourdeletions before they're actually deleted. You can also change yourmind and 'Rescue' a trashed message at any time before you close thewindow (which executes the delete), which has saved me from deletingwanted mail a few times. It works well, but I really wish there were away to change the default selection in this dialog to the affirmative(trash), which would save some clicking and let you dump the garbagejust by hitting the Return or Enter key.

The view window will display special icons next to messages you'vereplied to, forwarded, or redirected.

I've been using Mail Beacon for a couple of months now and like it alot. It's very fast, and I like the high degree of manual user controlover the various function options Mail Beacon offers.

I would, however, prefer there to be a one-click method for checkingjust one account at a time, rather than the cumbersome checking andunchecking of checkboxes. I also wish there was a progress bar and textreadout during a mail check.

I've also found that highlighting of some messages in the view listfor deletion does not always show until you click the trash button,although functionally it works fine.

If you need to reply to a message but don't have time at the moment,or if you feel it's important in some way, you can highlight it fromthe Message menu. The message will be displayed in bold blue with a redstar icon.

Messages can be sorted by Date, Subject, or Sender; in eitherascending or descending order. The default is ascending, with messagesappearing in chronological order. To toggle the sort order, or changethe sort field, use the 'Sort' submenu under the 'Message' menu.

Mail Beacon keeps track of a variety of information about messages.To access this information, select a message, and choose 'MessageInfo...' from the 'Message' menu.

Mail Beacon automatically saves message headers/text to disk sothey don't have to be retrieved the next time you view that account. Ifyou're offline and need to refer to a message, you can view MailBeacon's cache. To do this, select an account, and use the 'View'submenu under the 'Accounts' menu. The 'Cache' window is virtuallyidentical to the 'View' window; you'll be able to read any messageyou've already seen, view message information, reply to messages,etc.

Mail Beacon also keeps track of messages you send. To access thesemessages; select an account from the main window, and use the 'View'submenu. This window is also identical to the 'View' window.

Mail Beacon also has the facility to send email messages as well aspreview and edit incoming email.

To compose a new message, choose 'New Message' from the File menu.The 'New Message' window looks pretty much like those found in othermail programs, with a few additions. Choose the account you'd like tosend this message with from the menu next to the 'From' field. Themessage will be sent through the SMTP server specified in thataccount's settings. The default account, which is selectedautomatically when you compose a new message, can be specified in thePreferences window.

You can add your buddies to the 'Friends' list for easy access,which can be found next to the 'To' field.

Mail Beacon includes a handy 'Reminders' tool to help you keep trackof your schedule. You check your mail every day, so what better placecould there be for reminders? To access this feature, choose 'ShowReminders' from the File Menu.

If security is a concern, Mail Beacon can prompt the user for apassword at launch. To enter a password, choose 'Set Password' from theFile menu.

Mail Beacon is shareware, so you can check it out for 30 days beforemaking any financial commitment. A great little spam-fighting tool.


  • Checks an unlimited number of email accounts
  • Supports both POP3 and IMAP4
  • Built-in address book, reminders, and password protection
  • Filters email on server
  • Sort by Date, Subject, or Sender
  • Easy-to-use interface

System Requirements: Mail Beacon supports any Mac running Mac OS 8.0or later, including Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10.3.

Mail Beacon is $15 shareware (30 trial uses)


POPmonitor,Vechtwijk Automatisering's email filtering and management application,is available in both OS X and Classic versions. It allows you tonot only preview the contents of your mailboxes before downloading butalso to instantly create blocking filters that can automatically deletesubsequent messages from blocked addresses without ever previewingthem. You can also 'bounce' previewed messages that you want returnedto the sender.

You can configure POPmonitor to automatically delete messages fromblocked senders or match any filter, and set POPmonitor to switchdirectly to your email application after it has checked and filteredyour mailbox. POPmonitor will first remove any unwanted messages fromyour mailbox and then tell your email application to receive theremaining messages.

You can display selected messages in separate windows. POPmonitorwill not show the entire message but just downloaded part of it. Youcan specify the size of the downloaded part in the Account Settingswindow under Read X lines of the message body. You can also saveselected messages to your hard drive using POPmonitor alone.

POPmonitor can also act as an automatic filter between your ISP'smailbox and your email application, check and filter your mailbox atscheduled intervals, and afterwards instruct your email application toreceive the remaining messages.

The Town Of Beacon Mac Os Download

Creating filters In POPmonitor is easy: select Filters from the Editmenu to open the Filters overview window, then click the Add button tocreate a new filter. Give the filter a name, select the appropriatecriteria from the pop up menus, and enter keywords or a 'regularexpression' in the text fields. There is also a selection of ready-madefilters that can be downloadedfrom the POPmonitor website, including the new mydoom/novarg filters.Just drag downloaded filters into the POPmonitor Filters dialog.

New in POPmonitor 2.1.3:

  • Improved existing filters and added new powerful filters
  • Improved ISO character set decoding to properly deal with encodedcharacters
  • Fixed bug where ISO character set decoding was not carried outwhile applying message body filters causing some filters toincidentally skip messages that should have been flagged ordeleted
  • Fixed issue where the Check All Accounts menu item would be enabledonly if at least one account window was visible
  • Fixed cosmetic issue where message without subject is now titled'Untitled message' when shown in a separate window
  • Enlarged text fields in the Create Filter window to allow easierediting of keywords
  • Added warning dialog to the Create Filter window to notify when afilter's keyword string exceeds the 243 character limit
  • Fixed bug where multiline subject would be truncated
  • Fixed bug where missing From email address could cause unexpectedmessage actions
  • Fixed bug where incorrectly formatted email addresses could beshown in the Select Bounce Address window
  • Fixed bug where canceled bounce messages would get deleted ifAutomatically Delete Mail After Bouncing It was enabled
  • Added Apple Mail 1.3 and Eudora 6 to the list of supported emailapplications [Mac OS X]
  • Added support for Mac OS X 10.3's Address Book [Mac OS X]
  • Improved vCard support [Mac OS X]
  • Fixed cosmetic issue where two Help menus would appear when runningMac OS X 10.3.0 or newer [Mac OS X]
  • Fixed bug where POPmonitor would show a 'Where is?' dialog windowafter selecting the User Guide option from the Help menu [MacOS X]

System requirements:

  • Any Apple Macintosh computer with a PowerPC processor
  • Mac OS 8.x, 9.x, or X 10.x
  • AppleScript system software (to communicate with your emailapplication)
  • Stuffit Expander software (to process downloaded attachments)
  • A connection to the Internet or to your local network
  • A POP3 compatible email account (POPmonitor does not work withHotmail and AOL)

POPmonitor is compatible with Emailer, Entourage, Eudora, MagellanPro, Netscape Communicator, Outlook Express, and PowerMail, as well asthe latest release of Apple Mail (version 1.2, part of Mac OS X10.2). However POPmonitor is not compatible with Netscape 6/7 orMozilla, because they do not support email related AppleScriptevents.

POPmonitor includes a 19-page user's manual and troubleshootingguide in PDF format.

POPmonitor is $25 shareware. The unregistered version of POPmonitorlets you work with one mail account, three trusted senders, threeblocked senders, and three custom filters. After registering you cancreate an unlimited number of each.

The Town Of Beacon Mac Os Catalina

Which do I like best? Well, they're both very good.

I used POPmonitor for a couple of years before I discovered MailBeacon, which is what I've been using lately. As I noted above, I likethe speed and degree of manual control Mail Beacon offers. If youprefer a higher degree of automation and everything happening in onewindow, you may incline toward POPmonitor. On the other hand, MailBeacon has basic email client features, although I don't think I'veused them except to check them out.

Both support OS 8 and later, so that won't be the decidingfactor. The price difference might be the clincher for some.

Since they're both shareware and relatively small downloads, I wouldsuggest checking out both and then deciding which you like best.

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Charles Moore has been a freelance journalist since 1987 and began writing for Mac websites in May 1998. His The RoadWarrior column was a regular feature on MacOpinion, he isnews editor at Applelinks.com and a columnist at MacPrices.net. If you find his articles helpful, please consider making a donation to his tip jar.

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